Its true that 884 million people lack access to safe water supplies; approximately one in eight people and 3.575 million people die each year from water-related disease. People were suffering cause they got no RIGHTFUL water to use and we, people who got access to fresh water are wasting it while people such as in the slums can use it for A LOT days. Think about it, all of the water in the world are not equally spread out in this world and people that has water shortages are dying for it and FORCED to drink or use DIRTY water. So by that point we must try to conserve as much as water because you all are WASTING so much water when you're not realizing it. People now are dropping out from school or even not allowed to go to school because they need to take water from a far away source and even with all that hard work they STILL got disease from that water they took UNLIKE US we stay here lay back and use a lot of water without giving up a sweat, so please realize that once you are using the water you are responsible to conserve it.
A simple blog for my teacher Ms.Emma for my assessment.Objective: I was working to the WHO(World Health Organisation) to advice people about the water situation in the world todayJoshua-8E/Standard B
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
What should individuals do to try and help conserver/save water?
Water is very precious and I am sure most of us know that by now. But how many people actually do their bit to save water on an everyday basis? The importance of the presence of water in our lives is probably felt the day one faces an acute shortage of water. Once, the supply is restored, one conveniently forgets that we do have a role to play as far as water conservation is concerned. Well, there are various ways to conserve water in our everyday lives. If you want to make a difference, then read on to know some tips about water conservation. Remember, every drop counts and every little effort you make, will help in the long run.
Water Conservation Tips: Ways to Conserve Water
Water Conservation Tips: Ways to Conserve Water
- You can begin from your bathroom. You can start by when you brush your teeth, close water tap when not used this can save a lot of water because leaving it open just a waste.
- If you have a bathtub and a shower, don't use your bath tub obviously because at average bathtub use 151 L of water which can be reduce by taking a bath in your shower.
- There ware various ways to conserve water even in the kitchen. If you must use a dishwasher, then operate it only when it is fully loaded. Also, opt for the light wash feature, which will ensure less usage of water.
- Vegetables that need to be cleaned can be washed in a pan that is filled with water. Holding this under running water will only add to the wastage of water.
- The water you use to wash your vegetables can also be used to water the plants! RECYCLE!!
- Try to maintain one glass for drinking everyday don't get it wrong use ONLY one glass for every day NOT drink one time everyday. This would reduce the number dishes you need to wash throughout the day.
- Dirty dishes and pans need not be placed under running water. One of the ways to conserve water would be to scrape the leftover food into the garbage before rinsing it under the tap.
- Always keep a regular check on all the plumbing and fittings in your house for any possible leaks.
- Avoid using hose sprays to wash your vehicle. Make a little effort and use a bucket full of soapy water, to conserve water instead.
- Finally try to plant something green!! GO GREEN PEOPLE!
What happens if we don't have fresh water?
Our global water supply is becoming more of an issue every day. Even in developed nations, where a plentiful supply of water is sometimes taken for granted, the value of water is increasing among the people and their governments. This is important, because the planet is in the midst of what the United Nations is calling a "water crisis." For some people, the issue isn't a lack of water, but a lack of clean water: Millions of people die each year from preventable diseases, after drinking water from an unsanitary source. In other regions, water is simply scarce.A water shortage can affect you no matter where you live in the world. It's arguably humanity's most vital natural resource. It sustains all other activities; it's the essential basis of economies, societies and human life. The current crisis results from a combination of factors, but one rises above the others: the global population boom (swimming pool). As populations grow, so too, do their demands on water. People must be fed, and agriculture must have water to grow crops and livestock. This puts a demand on naturally available water. Don't think that we haven't got the water shortage in the world, most of our human cousins are already suffering the water shortage such as some places in Indonesia and Africa. Its notable that water can't be created and water are also got their own cycle called water cycle which is what caused the rain.
How water can be contaminated/dirty?
People are increasingly concerned about the safety of their drinking water. As improvements in analytical methods allow us to detect impurities at very low concentrations in water, water supplies once considered pure are found to have contaminants. We cannot expect pure water, but we want safe water.
The health effects of some contaminants in drinking water are not well understood, but the presence of contaminants does not mean that your health will be harmed. In North Carolina, drinking water is generally of high quality and free from significant contamination. Public water supplies are tested, and regulated to ensure that our water remains free from unsafe levels of contamination. Small private water supplies, including wells, are not regulated by drinking water standards, and the owner must take steps to test and treat the water as needed to avoid possible health risks.Drinking water can become contaminated at the original water source, during treatment, or during distribution to the home.If your water comes from surface water like river or lake, it can be exposed to acid rain, storm water runoff, pesticide runoff, and industrial waste. This water is cleansed somewhat by the exposed to sunlight, and micro-organisms in the water.If your water comes from groundwater private wells and some public water supplies, it generally takes longer to become contaminated but the natural cleansing process.
The health effects of some contaminants in drinking water are not well understood, but the presence of contaminants does not mean that your health will be harmed. In North Carolina, drinking water is generally of high quality and free from significant contamination. Public water supplies are tested, and regulated to ensure that our water remains free from unsafe levels of contamination. Small private water supplies, including wells, are not regulated by drinking water standards, and the owner must take steps to test and treat the water as needed to avoid possible health risks.Drinking water can become contaminated at the original water source, during treatment, or during distribution to the home.If your water comes from surface water like river or lake, it can be exposed to acid rain, storm water runoff, pesticide runoff, and industrial waste. This water is cleansed somewhat by the exposed to sunlight, and micro-organisms in the water.If your water comes from groundwater private wells and some public water supplies, it generally takes longer to become contaminated but the natural cleansing process.
How much fresh water is there in the world?
Truly there's a lot of fresh water in the world but here are some facts about how much access we have as a human to fresh water, 70 percent of freshwater is locked in ice caps, less than 1 percent of the world's freshwater is readily accessible, 6 countries Brazil, Russia, Canada, INDONESIA, China and Colombia have 50 percent of the freshwater available, and one-third of the world's population lives in "water-stressed" countries. As you see the fresh water is not distributed evenly in the world, some countries like Brazil, Russia, Canada, INDONESIA, China and Columbia have the access of fresh water, while others like the African countries have less fresh water. So as the one of the 6 countries that has 50% of fresh water access like INDONESIA we must be grateful for our water and must protect it.
Why is fresh water so important?
Freshwater is essential to the health of our environment and needs to be preserved and protected. Life requires water to survive it, yet our supplies are being contaminated by toxins. Water is one of nature's most important gifts to mankind. it is essential to life and a person's survival depends on drinking freshwater. Water is very important because water really controls our body, it help digest and absorb food get rid of body wastes, and serves as a natural air conditioning system. Even approximately 70% of our body is water in average. An average person should drink at least eight glasses of clean water every singe day to be in good health. If a person drank saltwater, they would eventually die because the cells in their body will dehydrate when they try to get rid of the excess salt from the water. That's why you should not waste all the fresh water when you think theres many water in the ocean. Although water is highly essential, there isn't much amounts of it. Despite the fact that 70% of the world is covered with water, more than 97% of it is unsafe water leaving about LESS than 3% of it to be fresh, clean water. Out of this amount, 70% of the freshwater is frozen in polar icecaps or glaciers. Therefore, all human and other life depend on less than 1% of the total amount of water on this planet. This water can be found on the surface of lakes, rivers, and even underground. Even though there is an extremely low amount of freshwater, it is thought to be enough to meet human needs, if it is distributed evenly around the world. Unfortunately, freshwater isn't distributed evenly around the globe with regard to either location or time of need. The fact that unsafe water is the number one killer in the whole earth because people who got no safe fresh water access must drink or use unsafe water to survive. So we must protect our fresh water because we are lucky to got so much access to fresh water.
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