People are increasingly concerned about the safety of their drinking water. As improvements in analytical methods allow us to detect impurities at very low concentrations in water, water supplies once considered pure are found to have contaminants. We cannot expect pure water, but we want safe water.
The health effects of some contaminants in drinking water are not well understood, but the presence of contaminants does not mean that your health will be harmed. In North Carolina, drinking water is generally of high quality and free from significant contamination. Public water supplies are tested, and regulated to ensure that our water remains free from unsafe levels of contamination. Small private water supplies, including wells, are not regulated by drinking water standards, and the owner must take steps to test and treat the water as needed to avoid possible health risks.Drinking water can become contaminated at the original water source, during treatment, or during distribution to the home.If your water comes from surface water like river or lake, it can be exposed to acid rain, storm water runoff, pesticide runoff, and industrial waste. This water is cleansed somewhat by the exposed to sunlight, and micro-organisms in the water.If your water comes from groundwater private wells and some public water supplies, it generally takes longer to become contaminated but the natural cleansing process.
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